Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Casey's Post-arrival Blog

Pour commencer...

To be completely honest, I’ve been having such a good time over here that I forgot I have to share my fond memories with the people back home! The last thing I want to do is sit inside online when the beauty of France is just outside my window (this is a good thing!)
I’ll start where I started... at JFK airport in New York, where I met this amazing group of people with whom I’d spend the next four weeks conquering le Sud de France. Together we flew into Amsterdam, where we spent a very interesting eight-hour layover.

Here's some Amsterdam in a nutshell.

(That’s a story for another time. Let’s just say I plan on returning.)

Eventually we weary
travelers reached Marseilles, where a bus met us for the last leg of our trek to Montpellier.

With our overpacked suitcases and newly obtained room keys, the new study abroad friends parted for the night.

Soooo much more to come...
Á bientôt,

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